We are SUPER  proud to announce the publishing of a new childrens’ magazine ‘Hello Hull’ in collaboration with Hull UK City of Culture 2017.

We have been commissioned by Hull 2017 to create four magazines to encourage primary school children across the City to explore their creativity and embrace the rich history and culture of Hull.

Hello Hull is a free magazine that has been distributed to every primary school child in key stage 1 and 2. Printed on matt paper, it includes beautifully illustrated pages of imaginative poems, games and interesting facts about the city and most importantly, it is FUN! 

The magazine has been designed part activity book, part logbook, and is a place for children to record their cultural journey throughout 2017 and to keep as a memento of the city’s special year.  

Issue two will be out in February 2017, so watch this space.


 “I think that the magazine is really good because it helps us understand what City of Culture is all about and what’s going to be happening.”

Year 6 pupil -  Priory Primary School

“The children have reacted positively to receiving Hello Hull. They couldn’t wait to get on with the activities, they were sharing their ideas, showing their friends and they all took it home. Some of them asked for a second one!”

Louisa Waldron – Teacher – Priory Primary School. 

 Tasks: concept, editorial, copy writing, art direction, illustration, design and artworking.