happy podcast: ice creams!

happy podcast: ice creams!

There was one subject that was top of our list when we put together our podcast and it was, yep you've guessed it... ICE CREAMS

by Østerberg Ice Cream 

We had plenty of fun interviewing some prestigious ice cream makers from around the world, namely Cathrine Østerberg, founder of Østerberg Ice Cream (Denmark), Anders Hennig-Olsen from Hennig-Olsten Ice Creams (Norway) and Yann Rey, founder of Unframed Ice Cream (South Africa). 

by Unframed (SA)

Our Little Editors had lots of mouth-watering questions, such as "what is the strangest flavour you've ever tasted?" or "what machines are used to make ice creams?"

By Hennig-Olsen. 

Download this yummy episode on AcastGoogle Podcasts or Spotify. Thank you!

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