Postal address:

Anorak Magazine,
3rd Floor
86-90 Paul Street
London, EC2A 4NE
Please do not visit this address without first arranging an appointment.

Due to the high volume of portfolios we receive every day, we are now unable to accept submissions or portfolios from illustrators. Our sincere apologies.

For any questions related to orders only, please email We aim to respond within 24 hours, but sometimes, we get a bit busy doodling and colouring in. Thank you for your patience.

Become a Happy Patron:

As you may know, Anorak is 100% self-financed. If you'd like to us to make more series of our Happy Podcast for kids and if you can afford it, please click on the DONATE button below to support the making of future episodes. Thank you so much, we are grateful for your kindness!