How long do we take to process orders?
All orders are processed within 48 hours and sent directly from our warehouse. Some items (such as prints and stationery) are sent separately so you may receive your order in two packages. Please note that your PayPal receipt acts as our order confirmation receipt. Keep it safe until you have received your items.
How long does it take for me to receive my order?
For items sent within the UK, it can take between 4 and 6 working days to arrive. Deliveries within the EU can take up to 10 days to reach their destination. For any items outside the EU can, in some cases, it can take up to 25 working days. If for any reason goods do not arrive we are not obliged to refund your payment or dispatch a replacement order. Only in some cases are we able to track orders. If you require a priority service please email
How do I return / exchange an item?
So if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item or items to us in their original condition within 7 days of receipt. To arrange a return, please email us with your full name and order number letting us know whether you require an exchange or refund. Returns or exchanges sent to us without a note cannot be processed.
The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. We will not refund postage costs unless the item is faulty or is a mistake made through us.
We recommend you send it to us using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods, such as Royal Mail’s Recorded Delivery. You will then be able to apply for compensation if the item is lost.
Please note: We will have to charge for postage and packaging on exchanges. We will always inform you of any transaction beforehand.
Returns for refund
Any returned items will be refunded as soon as possible upon receipt. We will minus the cost of the initial postage fee. You will be notified by e-mail as soon as this has been done. If a discount was applied to your original order, the amount refunded will be adjusted accordingly.
Returns for exchange
Please write your order number and returns note on the back of your invoice and send both the invoice and parcel to the following address:
Returns Anorak
Unit L/M Reliance Wharf - 2-10 Hertford Road, London N15EW.
Have you received my return?
We do recommend that you send your return by a secure postage method, such as recorded delivery. This way you will be able to trace your delivery through the carrier that you used.Please note that we usually process a refund or exchange within 3 working days of receipt of your return. At this point we will e-mail you confirmation of a refund, or send you your replacement. Please therefore do not contact us until 3 working days have passed since we received your return.
If it has been more than 3 working days since we received your return please e-mail us quoting your name, full address and order number.
When will I receive my replacement?
Before contacting us please note that it will take us up to 3 working days to process an exchange. It will then take 2-14 days depending on your location (UK or overseas). Please be assured that we will endeavour to process exchanges as quickly as possible.
How long will it take to refund me?
Please allow 3 working days for us to process your refund upon receipt of the goods. Once we have processed your refund we will notify you by email. We will credit the card you used for the original transaction. Please note that you may have to wait 5-10 days for the refund transaction to be credited to your account.
Part of my order is missing
If you have received your order and an item is missing, or you have received something you shouldn’t have, please e-mail us within 7 days of receipt quoting your name, full address, order number and the missing item and we will investigate the matter further.
Do I have to pay for the return postage?
If you are returning an item, or items, to us for a refund or an exchange then the cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility. Please note the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. For your own protection, we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods.If your item is faulty or is not the original product you ordered please email us with your name, address and order number and we will advise you on how to proceed.
Why have you not refunded the delivery charge?
Delivery charges (the cost you originally paid to have the order delivered to you) are non-refundable unless you have received an incorrect or faulty item from us.
My order contains a faulty item
Woops, if the item you received is faulty, please e-mail us with your name, full address and order number, and let us know if you require a refund or a replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return.
I have received an incorrect item
If the item you received is not what you originally ordered, please e-mail us giving us your name, address and your order number, and lets us know if you require a refund or a replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return.
Why Do I have to pay for my exchanged item to be sent back to me?
If you wish to exchange an item, please send it back to us. Once we receive the item and process the exchange to your requirements we will have to re- charge you for postage costs. We will contact you before we perform any transaction to gain your permission.