happy things vol 12

happy things vol 12

Happy Things // Feb 2025 


Star gazing: our astronomer friend and contributor Jake from the Greenwich Observatory has inspired us to star gaze when the skies have been clear at night. So far, we have spotted Venus and Orion's Belt!

Kids vintage clothing at its fun-est and finest: Used to Carry. IG here.

The new works of Takashi Murakami shown at the Gagosian (London) are pure joy. 

Happy stationery shop we are putting on our list to visit in Paris: Marin Montagut

Kawai ice cream ceramics from Sirocara.

Yummy street food colouring book by Alexander Rosso.

Frogs, as drawn by Carmen Frontera.

Sticks fans from all over the world. 

Thank you Anorak Champion Alana for the mention! 

Last but not least, our studio is busy with putting the final touches of our Spring editions that will come out mid March. Not long to wait now!

If you have joyful things to share with us, email us anorakmagazine@gmail.com. Thank you x

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