we are 15!
We are 15 years old!!
It seems both like yesterday and centuries ago that the first issue of our Happy Mag for Kids came into this world. I remember getting a dummy from the printers and taking it to distributors who did everything they could to dissuade me from launching a magazine for both boys AND girls (shock horror!), on such lush paper ('a waste') and with no Disney characters behind it!
Well, it sometimes helps to be both naive and stubborn as we are now not only celebrating 15 years in independent publishing but also over 1m copies sold!
I am beyond grateful for the incredible support and loyalty you have shown us and the fact that you keep championing us. I am so humbled to know our Happy Mags inspire children to be creative and the big kids to keep their inner child alive.
Thank you and unto many more years of creative and ice cream-filled adventures!
Cathy x
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